Thursday, June 4, 2009


This is our dog. She's a terrier mix we got from the pound when Jordan was about 2 years old and Taylor was 5 . So we've had her 9 years. In the beginning she was mostly Taylor's dog. She slept on the bottom of her bed and Taylor played with her more. Of course over time we've all bonded with her. Now she rotates sleeping between the botttom of Tay's bed and under my bed.

When we went to the pound to adopt a dog we picked her because they had her separated from the whole liter because she was the one who had figured out how to unlatch the cage and "release the hounds". I knew then she was a kindred spirit. She is very smart and knows commands like "pillow", "sofa", "cage", "bed", "water", "lay-down" and "sit". My brother has begun to yell those commands at his toddler because he says if she would listen half as good as my dog he would have it made. **smile** The other day when she was having the typical toddler melt down he just looked at her and goes, "cage". Guess we'll know how good that approach is in about 18 years........................................................

1 comment:

  1. momma i love our dog sugar. just thought i would comment i took those pics
